The ultimate guide to leather belts

Hoi An Real Leather - Da Bao Real Leather: Crocodile leather belts in brown and black.

If you browse through fashion forums reading about men consulting each other on the do and don'ts of the latest fashion trends, the answer to when do I need to wear a belt is crystal clear: Always.

Why? The outfit is just not complete without a belt, especially when it's a smart outfit with a shirt, and especially when a full-grownn suit comes into play.

While the belt was invented to prevent your trousers from slipping down to your knees, this functionality plays only a minor role today. The belt has become a fashion accessory, one of the few must haves, if you ask men.

When we're talking about belts we usually mean leather belts, as nylon belts are outdated, and unless we're on a beach somewhere shoe strings don't count as belts.

There is one expeption to the Belt-Always Rule: If you're a sneaker-only guy and leave your t-shirt untucked you can skip the belt, but that's about the only case where you can get away without.

Leather belts - Not all are created equal

There are many pitfalls in selecting the right belt for today's pair of trousers. Usually men are not as lucky to have access to as much fashion advice as women have, so we did some research to advise you how to pick the right belt.

Just remember this: the wrong belt can look more inappropriate than a missing belt.


Hoi An Real Leather - Da Bao Real Leather: Crocodile leather belt in brown colour

5 rules on how to chose the right leather belt for your outfit

  1. Chose quality over price.
    You should invest in a few quality leather belts or really good fake leather belts, but best to chose the real deal as it will not only last you for a lifetime but also look good and age well.
  2. What leather type is best for my leather belt?
    You have the option between cow leather, buffalo and crocodile leather. These are the main leather types for belts. If you want to add some extra elegance to your outfit, opt for a crocodile leather belt.
  3. Match the type of leather.
    Make sure belt and shoes are made of the same leather. If your shoes are made of shiny cow leather, your belt should be, too. The same goes for belts and shoes made of crocodile leather and buffalo leather. So before you go belt shopping, check first what leather your shoes are made from or even better: Bring them with you.
  4. Match your colors.
    Always match the color of your belt with the color of your shoes. Forget about wearing the one black belt you own with all your leather shoes, brown black and anything in between. Again: Best to bring the shoes your're planning on wearring with the leather belt.
  5. Match your metals.
    The colour and material of the buckle should fit your watch and jewellery. So if the buckle of your leather belt is silver, leave the big gold watch in the drawer.
Hoi An Real Leather - Da Bao Real Leather: Classic black buffalo leather belt
Hoi An Real Leather - Da Bao Real Leather: Brown vintage style buffalo leather belt

If you would like to see our big selection of leather belts for men and women in the shop, come see us in the picturesque Old Town of Hoi An. Our friendly staff is happy to help you chose the right belt for your style.

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