Leather Bags & Backpacks loved by our international customers

Locally designed and handcrafted in our very own factory, we offer our customers a wide selection of classic and Vintage style leather bags, leather backpacks, college bags, duffel bags, and handbags. We also are one of the leading leather shops in Hoi An, to provide the latest trends from Europe and the US,  like our popular messenger bags. Our bags are available in all colors and styles, in washed-out style or shiny leather. You can be sure the quality of our stitches and zippers is of the highest quality. Over 280 customer cannot err.

Most of our bags are made of  buffalo leather, which is thicker, more robust and characteristic than cow hides. Read more here about the difference.

You have a certain design in mind? Talk to us in one of our shops or send us a message through our contact form.

If you would like to see more product examples and galleries, visit our Blog. You find lots of information about our latest designs, men bags, clutch bags, and some leather backpack variations, to name just a few.

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